Tuesday, February 2, 2010

project: "PROP"

alright it is about 3:30 in the morning on Feb. 2nd.
A few things
1) Lost Final Season starts at 8 tonight- I have class from 6-9pm. Luckily the first hour is a re-cap- if I'm lucky I can catch it at 9.
2) After having an acoustic guitar since forever, and after getting a new one that I actually enjoy playing, I've been in the process of dismantling it. Strings. Paint. Bridge. All that jazz.

So I'm kinda stuck in ideas, I suppose I'm taking this one apart to see how everything fits together.
My idea, thanks to some people in class, is/ or was to make an "arm guitar", not sure how it's going to go for sure. But I almost want to change my idea or at least do something with this acoustic--maybe convert it to a bass? or at least take the frets off of it.

Maybe I'll get more ideas from much needed sleep haha.

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