Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Collecting Hair

Let's see where to start?
Oh yeah here are some photo's for what I am collecting for my sculpture class throughout the course of the semester- so like 11 weeks or so.

First bag of hair- brought to you by my friend Gor. He needed a haircut to go job hunting so we cut his hair. Current style is a fauxhawk.

Second bag of hair- brought to you by my friend Matt- after convincing him that it wasn't going to be used for a voodoo doll he gladly gave it up. Well when you need a free haircut why not go to a friend?

Third bag of hair is brought to you via the vacuum - wow who knew that my floor (and my floor only) had so much hair. My mom vacuumed the house but threw away the remains, no matter I still collected a good amount.

HAHAHA this trash bag is brought to you by Supercuts- this is just a weeks worth of hair.
The bag filled about half way but trust me this sucker was pretty heavy- and look at it, it looks like a giant dread lock. I pitched in some hair so I'm pretty sure my contribution is somewhere at the bottom.

To Be Continued...

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